Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Apply to AVID.

The AVID Application is located upstairs outside of room 213 at Poe Middle School. Please complete the application and turn it in to Mrs. Triplett by Feb. 28th.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What is AVID?

AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society. It is an elective class that prepares the students or college. AVID students must have the desire and determination to work hard in order to accomplish their goals. They have the potential to take honors courses, and AVID gives them the skills to be successful (organization, note-taking, goal setting, etc.). Typically, they will be the first in their families to attend a four year university. Students are comfortable to take risks and challenge themselves because AVID acts as a family.
Learn more at www.avid.org/AVID in FCPS!

What are Tutorials?

  • Twice a week in AVID we have tutorials.
  • Students bring in a higher level question to AVID that they have from their core classes.
  • Students get into groups with a tutor.
  • Students support each other and answer their questions.
  • Students do better in core classes because they understand the content.

What do you do in AVID?

  • Get organized and learn how to take Cornell Notes.
  • Learn about college and career.
  • Write, Inquiry, Collaborate, and Read.
  • Become role models.
  • Ask questions.
  • Complete all assignments.

Who belongs in AVID?

  • Students that have the desire to go to college.
  • Students willing to challenge themselves.
  • Students that have the potential to succeed in honors (with the support of AVID).
  • Students that have good attendance records.
  • Students that have appropriate classroom behavior and few or no discipline referrals.
  • Students that are willing to give up an elective to take AVID.
  • Students with at least a 2.0 GPA.